Language Classes in Huddersfield
Based in Honley, the Modern Language School provides affordable language learning to all adults in a relaxed and stress-free environment.
Who We are
Hola! Ciao! We are Lynne Hill & Vicky Addy, partners, and founders of MLS. We are both Modern Foreign Language teachers with a passion for languages and teaching! Since we started the school, in 2011, it has gone from strength to strength. After spending our first year using rooms at Storthes Hall, followed by 6 years at Meltham Mills, in 2018 we move moved to Queens Square Business Park, Honley, into a school designed and built specifically for our needs.
Our school includes five classrooms, a breakout area with facilities and a kitchen to make the all-important tea or coffee. The rooms are equipped with the latest technology including, flatscreen TV’s, surround sound and Jabra microphone systems, to allow online as well as classroom-based learning. In addition to the initial classes in Italian, Spanish and French, we also offer German, Portuguese, and Greek courses.
Our Courses
We offer a wide range of courses for different levels of ability. Pick a language below to find out more.

Why Choose Us?
Term Dates & Fees
The term dates & fees for 2024 – 2025 are as follows:
Term One – w/c Monday 9/9/2024 – w/c 16/12/2024 £198
(Half term: Monday 28/10 -Friday 1/11)
Term Two – w/c Monday 6/1/2025 – w/c 31/3/2025 £170
(Half term: Monday 17/2 – Friday 21/2)
Term Three – w/c Monday 21/4/2025 – w/c 23/6/2025 £127
+ Monday 30th June to replace May Day Bank holiday
(Half term: Monday 26/5 -Friday 30/5)
Full Year – w/c Monday 9/9/2024 to w/c 23/6/2025 £495
+ Monday 30th June to replace May Day Bank holiday
(replacement class may be subject to change by the teacher)

Our Enrolment Process
Joining The Modern Language School is easy! You can enrol online, in 3 simple steps:

1) Pick a term
Our courses are flexible, you can join for a full year or on a termly basis. Head over to our enrolment page and pick a term, to begin your enrolment process.
2) Choose a language
Next, choose which language you would like to study with us. Make sure you check the page for your specific language. This will give you class times, and the full details of the course.
3) Payment
Once you have enrolled you will receive an invoice to be paid by bank transfer. Once payment is received you will receive a receipt. If you require further details on your course please email
You can then attend your first class and start your learning journey with us!

Our Contact Details
Our Address
The Modern Language School, Unit 7 Queens Square Business Park, Huddersfield Road, Honley, Holmfirth, HD9 6QZ.