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Buying clothes and shoes in French

Today in the French elementary course, we did a lot of practising on clothes and accessories description and buying, including a very silly catwalk…

I believe the vocabulary for clothes is the one that includes the most “faux amis” (false friends, words that look like their English equivalents but mean something else).


For example, une veste is a jacket; un collier is a necklace; une robe is a dress; un gilet can be a waistcoat but also a cardigan; une chemise is a shirt; etc.

At the same time, many words are the same, or indeed borrowed from English: un T-shirt, un top, une tennis, un anorak, un pyjama.

However, today’s most popular expression went to the Wellington boots: no mention of Wellington or Napoleon in French for these. A Wellington boot is a rubber boot: une botte en caoutchouc (kaoochew).