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Any other activities with your French class?

As you start settling in to your French class, getting to know the group and understanding what is involved in language learning, you will probably wish you could do more than homework and attending class to progress with and use your French. Some schools are not interested in helping you with this. To choose the […]

Which French class to choose?

2. The location In summer, while you are planning your next French class, everything seems easier, especially things like driving, parking and walking. So bear that in mind when you are selecting the location of your French class. How far is it from home / work? Is there any convenient public transport? Will you have […]

Which French class to choose?

It’s summer and, coming back from or going to a lovely holiday in France, many people in the UK are toying with the idea of learning French. But where do you start? What do you need to look for and to watch out for? Which French class can you choose? Well, let’s start with the […]

French summer school


There are still places on the French classes on offer over July and August at the Modern Language School, Meltham Mills, Holmfirth, HD9 4DS. Whatever your ability level (apart from total beginners as these are revision classes), please contact to enrol on any (one or all 6) class. Each class will offer some activities […]

Une matinée gratuite de jeux en français à the Modern Language School

Ce matin, une vingtaine d’étudiants et de sympatisants de l’école de langues pour adultes, située à Meltham Mills, près de Holmfirth dans le Yorkshire de l’ouest, prennent part à la matinée de jeux organisée par la responsable de la section français. Certains jouent au Scrabble, d’autres au Jeu du bac, au jeu de Bescherelle, à […]