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Savours of languages – Italy

When you are learning a language at the Modern Language School, you find out more and more about the country’s culture and traditions. A delicious way of discovering these is to sample the savours of the country and even have a go at cooking some specialities yourself. At the Modern Language School, we have been […]

Modern Language School student living the dream in Italy!

As a small language school with a family feel it is nice to hear what our students have been up to, their adventures aboard and their linguistic achievements. Having taught Italian now for more than 12 years, I have had the pleasure of meeting a wide variety of interesting and talented people. I would like […]

Free language classes

Choose an absolutely free language class from the list above and contact us to enrol.

Language adventures – part 2

If you are feeling adventurous, consider travelling off the beaten path on your next visit to Europe. English speakers may be harder to come by in these less well-trodden places and you will really benefit from language lessons in advance of your trip to help you navigate your way around. At The Modern Language School […]

8 benefits of learning a foreign language

language school

We explore the benefits of learning a new language in a language school. Beyond the delight that comes from being able to converse with someone in their native country in a language that is not your mother tongue, there are a range of benefits to speaking two or more languages. The brains of bilingual people […]

Language Learners Quote

“Talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.” – Nelson Mandela  

The Modern Language School & Sports Relief

I am delighted to let you know that team NabbFish successfully completed the Swimathon on Saturday. Between them Emily and Rosie, swam 75 lengths in Holmfirth Swimming Pool in 58 minutes. A great achievement for two 8 year olds! To make it an even greater achievement I am pleased to announce we have raised a […]

The Modern Language School & Sports Relief

Together with relatives and friends the students and partners at The Modern Language School Meltham have helped raise a total of £426 for Sports Relief this year! Emily Addy (Vicky’s 8 year old daughter) is taking part in the Swimathon on Saturday 19th March at Holmfirth Pool. Her team which is called NabbFish and comprises […]

Learn a language in 2016, Britons are urged.

By Katherine Sellgren BBC News education reporter 30 December 2015 As the New Year beckons, the British Council is calling on people in the UK to make learning a foreign language their resolution for 2016. The campaign is being backed by actor and broadcaster Larry Lamb. In August, a poll of 2,098 UK adults by […]

Il teatrino italiano – The Little Italian Threatre

Buongiorno tutti! I am sorry it has been a while since my last blog. I am so excited about two of my lessons this week I just had to share them with you! On Tuesday morning and Wednesday evening my intermediate groups truly excelled themselves! Not only did they manage to get their tongues round […]