Some of the finishing work at unit 7

At the Modern Language School’s new premises – unit 7, Queens Square Business Park, Huddersfield Road, Honley, Holmfirth – some of the finishing work has already started. Ben has made all the partitions ready to paint here in rooms 4 and 5, the smallest rooms. Michael has painted some of the partitions here in […]
Our artisans are hard at work

A great set of artisans Tim, Mark and Ben are working hard this week to get premises ready for the Modern Language School. Mark has been fitting the sink and the cupboards for the kitchen area. Ben is finishing some of the partitions in a classroom.
The MLS move

Week 2 The MLS move is getting closer: The new school is taking shape as work on our new premises is going apace. The 3 larger classrooms are partitioned and the 2 smaller ones partly so. Partitions built by Ben and his team at Full Circle Ceilings & Interiors. Tim, the electrician from J.T. Repairs […]
Up and up without stairs at our new premises!

At present, some of our students are struggling with the stairs at our current premises in Meltham Mills. We took a leap of faith in 2012 with renting at Meltham Mills, but we’ve had 6 wonderful years here. Also, we have been very proud to offer a space dedicated to language learning to over 300 […]
Exclamations in Spanish

My Thursday morning Spanish class have been busy working on using exclamations in their Spanish conversations. I found this useful article that I would like to share with you all. Please make sure that you scroll down to the interjections and ways of expressing anger and disappointment!
World Book Day 2017

So today, the 1st of March 2017 is World Book Day in England. My two lovelies have been asked to go to school dressed as their favourite book characters. With so many to choose from it was hard to decide but they have plumped for Mildred Hubble from the Worst Witch by Jill Murphy and […]
Improve your Spanish by listening to songs

One thing that my students tell me that they struggle with, is listening to spoken Spanish. By listening to Spanish songs and by reading the transcripts in Spanish, you will improve your listening skills no end. The beauty of this web site is that you have the ability to slow down the recording! Please take […]
Bienvenidos a los estudiantes españoles

A real warm welcome back to The Modern Language School to all my Spanish students. I have loved teaching my existing students again this week after the summer break and I have had the pleasure of welcoming many new beginners too. Good luck with your Spanish studies this year and I hope you all enjoy your […]
Savours of languages – Spain

When you are learning a language at the Modern Language School, you find out more and more about the country’s culture and traditions. A delicious way of discovering these is to sample the savours of the country and even have a go at cooking some specialities yourself. At the Modern Language School, we have been […]
Free language classes

Choose an absolutely free language class from the list above and contact us to enrol.