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How will a French class for adults differ from school?

The two main reasons that a French class for adult differs from learning French at school as a child are your motivation and being part of a group.

The motivation: Children don’t have a choice about going to school. This means they can be totally uninterested in some subjects, or even in the whole learning process. As adults, when we join a class, it’s because we are convinced the learning will be useful, because we love learning, or because we are passionate about the subject. In fact, it often is because of all 3 reasons mentioned.
So the major plus, in joining a French class for adults is yourself. You are motivated to learn, which puts you ahead of the game already.
I have noticed over the years that there are 2 kinds of students: those who regularly miss a class (because of work or other demands) and those who hardly ever miss a class. Guess what; the people who hardly miss a class are always the ones who progress faster. So the more you can act on your motivation and commitment, the steadier your progress will prove.
The group: Sharing a learning activity as adults creates real bonds. Of course in your class there may be people you like less than others, but it’s my experience that real friendships are born in the French class. Interestingly, people coming from different backgrounds, with diverse political, religious and social beliefs, often form the most convivial and cohesive groups. Everyone shares an interest in the beautiful French language and the varied aspects of French culture.
In a class for adults, we can share humour and play games without it becoming a riot. Also we can have the confidence to tell the teacher when we don’t like an activity. In short we are in charge of our own learning.

Quel plaisir!