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Full day of Italian @ The Modern Language School

On Saturday 17th June 2024 we held our first full day of Italian language learning at The Modern Language School, otherwise known as Italianissimo! (Very Italian) We are pleased to say that it was a huge success! Grazie to all the wonderful students who attended and to our special guest Orlando.

We started the day with an activity to get to know each other followed by a challenging listening and memory task based on some prepared work that the students brought with them. As throughout the day the standard of Italian was excellent. Bravi studenti! We then moved on to a video comprehension about the new discoveries of Pompei by the famous historian Alberto Angela. (Well worth a watch if you like history see link below) Then it was time for our guest Italian speaker Orlando. Really putting our students listening skills to the test Orlando talked to us about his life, where he was born (in France not Italy) and how he got to where he is today "Uddersfield" It was then time for lunch which was delicious as always and provided by the wonder Kay from Salute Grazing Tables (see menu below). And then came the magic! Yes literally. Not only is Orlando interesting and fun he is also a Magician part of the Huddersfield Magic Circle. He amazed us with some tricks, all in Italian of course. (Videos below). After lunch and magic, we continued with activities. Next up the students were divided into two groups and given a murder mystery play to read, understand and perform! This is where the students really outdid themselves! Amazing Italian and we also got some great acting too! Whilst they were all brilliant the performance of the day goes to Hannah!  (I think you missed your calling there!). This left two more activities; a listening on Il ciclismo italiano which was aided by our highly knowledgeable student David a keen cyclist with a passion for Il Ciclismo! We ended the day with a 5 round quiz in Italian topics included; food, history, geography and general knowledge.

I will leave you with some videos and a photo of our scrabble board that the students added to throughout the day. All that remains for me to say is that those of you who attended were really amazing and you should all be very proud of what you achieved. Oh, and not everyone who attended had high level Italian we had one gentleman who only joined us in January. So open to everyone if you want to give it a go.

We will be offering more of these full day courses and hopefully in French and in German too.