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French Intermediate and Advanced Conversation


Would you like to practise your French? Here are the date, time and fee for the French conversation session of May 2017 at the Modern Language School in Meltham, near Huddersfield (UK). For people who have reached intermediate or advanced level and wish to practise their French language.

French Advanced Conversation

At the Modern Language School, we are now running a monthly French advanced conversation class which started Saturday the 15th of October 2016. We had a (silly) introduction game involving names of animals, a few riddles and a discussion in groups about clichés and reality when it comes to lunch break in France, starting from […]

French conversation (1)

Here are some of the words / phrases people found useful at the French monthly conversation class on Saturday at the Modern Language School: une arnaque( a swindle), être sage comme une image (to be good as gold), la gamelle (the lunch box), les autochtones (the natives), un coup de soleil (sunburn), faire du stop (to […]