French Intermediate and Advanced Conversation

Would you like to practise your French? Here are the date, time and fee for the French conversation session of May 2017 at the Modern Language School in Meltham, near Huddersfield (UK). For people who have reached intermediate or advanced level and wish to practise their French language.
Monday afternoon in French

There is often a lot of banter in the Monday afternoon French class in Meltham Mills. Although learning a foreign language is not always a piece of cake, it has its many delicious moments. This Monday morning at the Modern Language School, Brian, Chris, Gary, Julie, Louise, Steven and Sue (Janet was away in France, […]
Languedoc-Roussillon wine tasting

Another fun-filled Friday night feast at the Modern Language School! French students and their guests had a feast of wine, small plates, learning and laughter. Showing that being an “expert” is not a pre-requisite to learn and enjoy wine tasting, the evening showcased delicious wines from the main wine-producing region in the world. WHITES The […]
Wine tasting of this Friday

The wines for this Friday’s tasting have been delivered! They make an interesting and mouth-watering ensemble. On the menu Picpoul de Pinet – Villemarin, Cave Ormarine Viognier – Marquis de Pennautier Marsanne – Domaines Paul Mas Costières de Nîmes – Château Guiot Carignan – Alain Grignon Saint-Chinian-Roquebrun – La Grange des Combes There will also […]
ou OR où

Ou and où are 2 French words which are pronounced exactly the same but where the little “accent grave” make a huge difference. Ou, sans accent, veut dire “or” mais où, avec accent veut dire where. My cat Eyera has kindly agreed to demonstrate for us: Elle hésite: Plus près de la fenêtre, au soleil, […]
The write expression

Dom: Hi Virginia. You’ve been attending my French classes at the Modern Language School for 3 years now and have proved a very able and friendly learner. What got you started; what prompted you to sign up for French classes? Virginia: Thank you, Dom. I really do enjoy the classes and feel as though I […]
Learning is a wonderful thing

Learning never goes just one way, it is multi-directional as I am constantly reminded in my classes. For example, on Wednesday morning, the members of the French class were presenting some works by Jean Cocteau and it was a feast of discovery. Did you know that Jean Cocteau did not just direct and script amazing […]
Where an “s” at the end won’t be enough

French Language Plural The French section of the Modern Language School reminds you: Just as in English the plural of mouse is mice, in French the plural of journal is journaux. I will give one of my amazing prizes to each of the 2 students who post on our Facebook page the nicest (unusual, imaginative, shocking, […]
A message from one of our followers
Bonjour à tous, Here is a message from Lily, one of our blog followers, which I think will be of interest to all francophiles. My name is Lily, and I love your blog – especially the post about cloths in French!! I’m learning French and I noticed this blog not so long ago: . […]
Le bureau des objets trouvés

Today in elementary French at the Modern Language School, the class practised how to explain, at the lost property office, what you have lost, what it is like and where you might have lost it. Sadly, we might all lose something while on holiday, so it is important to be able to explain. Lost! The […]