Language adventures – part 4

If you are feeling adventurous, consider travelling off the beaten path on your next visit to Europe. English speakers may be harder to come by in these less well-trodden places and you will really benefit from language lessons in advance of your trip to help you navigate your way around. At The Modern Language School […]
8 benefits of learning a foreign language

We explore the benefits of learning a new language in a language school. Beyond the delight that comes from being able to converse with someone in their native country in a language that is not your mother tongue, there are a range of benefits to speaking two or more languages. The brains of bilingual people […]
Spanish vocabulary is easier than you realise!

Do you know more Spanish words than you realise? I have been thinking of ways to help my students in my Spanish lessons at The Modern Language School learn more vocabulary. By learning these cognates (words from two different languages that are the same or similar) you will be able to instantly learn thousands of […]
Spanish newsletter November 2015

Hola estudiantes, Thank you to all of you who attended our charity dinner and/or supported the event by buying raffle tickets or donating prizes. We are pleased to announce we raised £1027 for charity research! This term is flying by and I can’t believe we only have three weeks of this term left. Classes for […]
Spanish phrases at the chemist

Conversation Buenas tardes. Creo que he comido algo en mal estado. Good afternoon. I think I’ve eaten something that was off. ¿Cuáles son los síntomas? What are the symptoms? Tengo náuseas, dolor de estómago, y me ha salido un sarpullido. I’ve got nausea, a stomach ache and I’ve come out in a rash. Desde luego, […]
Conversation starters in Spanish

Would you like to know some questions to start a conversation with a Spanish speaker?
Spanish competition answers

Here are the answers to the Spanish competition: A Argentina B Barcelona C cinco D Dalí E euro F futbol G gol H Hasta pronto/luego I invierno J jirafa K kilo L liebre M Madrid N naranja Ñ any Spanish Word containing this letter O any bird in Spanish starting with O P paella Q […]