Un magazine pour apprendre le français

Bonjour à tous. Aujourd’hui, j’aimerais vous présenter un magazine pour apprendre le français qui est plein de couleurs, professionnel et complet: LCFF est un mensuel d’une cinquantaine de pages dont le contenu est adapté aux personnes qui aiment lire et écouter le français. C’est un magazine pour les “francophiles francophones”, c’est-à-dire pour ceux qui ont […]
French for beginners in Huddersfield

Our new French course for adults starts on Thursday 21st of January for a first term of 9 weeks at the Modern Language School in Meltham Mills, near Huddersfield. See our site, www.modernlanguageschool.co.uk for info or to enrol.
Le discours d’Anne Hidalgo sur les attaques terroristes

Merci beaucoup à Margaret de m’avoir envoyé ce lien à un très, très beau discours de la maire de Paris (can be read in French or in English) publié par The Guardian: Les terroristes sont venus défier ce qu’ils détestent le plus : la vie cosmopolite, généreuse, insoumise et bruyante. Mais notre Paris est en […]
New for Januay

Learn numbers 0 to 10 in French

French wine tasting

French wine tasting with wines from Burgundy and Beajoulais and a little French language at the Modern Language School. Contact us to book a place.
French Books Give-Away

We love books at the Modern Language School, but we have too many French books and not enough space to keep them. So, sadly, they need to go. We hope you’ll come and give some of them a good home.
Celebrating back to French

Thank you so much to all the French students who came and celebrated “la rentrée” with me at the Bridge in Holmfirth last Thursday. We had a very convivial time and it was great to be together and chat in a relaxed way – even if we had to stand […]
How will a French class for adults differ from school?

The two main reasons that a French class for adult differs from learning French at school as a child are your motivation and being part of a group. The motivation: Children don’t have a choice about going to school. This means they can be totally uninterested in some subjects, or even in the whole learning […]
Getting ready for your French class

The materials Well, we all like to take notes, don’t we? Although I’m certain we don’t review them as much as we should. To commit something to memory as an adult requires several goes; so I would recommend you read your notes out loud (French is a spoken language) as soon as possible after your […]