French Advanced Plus course

This Thursday morning, in the French Advanced Plus course, some of the activities were to listen to a dialogue about the quality of TV programme, answer comprehension question and discuss in groups the subject of the dialogue. Here are some of the wonderful students, reading out the dialogue .             […]

Dégustation de vin

A lovely party of 18 students and partners (though 2 persons were sadly unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances) met at the Modern Language School tonight and tasted 7 different, fine examples of wines produced in the Burgundy and Beaujolais areas. Nina and I enjoyed ourselves very much and thank you for taking part […]

Dining out in Portugal

Eating is something you will get plenty of chance to do in Portugal and you are in for a treat! Here are some useful words and phrases for you: garfo fork faca knife colher spoon prato plate copo glass guardanapo napkin   Here are some basic items you may wish to ask for (pedir) in […]

FREE Language Travel Guide

Download your FREE Language Travel Guide! Just leave your name email address to download. Also don’t forget to check this article so your home is safe while you are away: [email-download download_id=”798,821,837,839,841″ contact_form_id=”797″]