How to enjoy your next French holiday more than ever

Youcould enjoy your next French holiday more than you ever did. To join, please click on
A festival in the Marais Poitevin

One of the fantastic event Christian and Marie shared with us this summer was the International Art Festival in Magne. This is a village quite close to Niort (15 minutes by car), in the “Green Venice”, the marsh and canals area in the Deux-Sèvres and Vendée. I took masses of pictures but only selected a […]
Monday afternoon in French

There is often a lot of banter in the Monday afternoon French class in Meltham Mills. Although learning a foreign language is not always a piece of cake, it has its many delicious moments. This Monday morning at the Modern Language School, Brian, Chris, Gary, Julie, Louise, Steven and Sue (Janet was away in France, […]
Languedoc-Roussillon wine tasting

Another fun-filled Friday night feast at the Modern Language School! French students and their guests had a feast of wine, small plates, learning and laughter. Showing that being an “expert” is not a pre-requisite to learn and enjoy wine tasting, the evening showcased delicious wines from the main wine-producing region in the world. WHITES The […]
Wine tasting of this Friday

The wines for this Friday’s tasting have been delivered! They make an interesting and mouth-watering ensemble. On the menu Picpoul de Pinet – Villemarin, Cave Ormarine Viognier – Marquis de Pennautier Marsanne – Domaines Paul Mas Costières de Nîmes – Château Guiot Carignan – Alain Grignon Saint-Chinian-Roquebrun – La Grange des Combes There will also […]
Learning is a wonderful thing

Learning never goes just one way, it is multi-directional as I am constantly reminded in my classes. For example, on Wednesday morning, the members of the French class were presenting some works by Jean Cocteau and it was a feast of discovery. Did you know that Jean Cocteau did not just direct and script amazing […]
Saying “my darling” in French

In today’s French class at the Modern Language School, we were studying possessive adjectives (they sound dangerous, but they don’t bite). It’s the grammar name for words like my, your, his, her, our, their. With these, though it does not come naturally to English speakers, the word for my, etc. agrees (gender and number) with the […]
Buying clothes and shoes in French

Today in the French elementary course, we did a lot of practising on clothes and accessories description and buying, including a very silly catwalk… I believe the vocabulary for clothes is the one that includes the most “faux amis” (false friends, words that look like their English equivalents but mean something else). / For example, […]
French to take away

The French Wednesday evening class at the Modern Language School are currently getting their heads round the verb to take, which is no mean feat. You might know that French can sometimes be a contrary language, so while the English eat their dinner, we French take it (nous prenons le déjeuner). We hardly drink either, […]
Today’s French Intermediate Class

There should be a health warning on the lid of the Wednesday evening French intermediate class at the Modern Language School. Something like “Beware! This class is dynamite!” It’s not just because people are lively and questioning, nor because they enjoy finding out more and more about French; it’s because they will not hesitate to […]